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R/C Hovercraft

Project Description.
The goal of this project was to apply our knowledge of microcontrollers and multi-processor communication to design and build a DOG (Device of Guidance – a.k.a. Hovercraft) and FARMER (Floating Animal Rescue Mechano-Electrical Remote – a.k.a. Remote Control) that could heard FERRETs (Frenzied, Erratic, Random, Ruckus Exciting Tormentors – a.k.a. Other Hovercrafts) out of an enclosed area into the SCARZ (Safe Capture And Recovery Zone). The FERRETs were programmed to turn on randomly and moved around through their own programming. There were 11 teams in this class that would each build a DOG and a FARMER. One member from each team took a seat on a communication committee to design a universal communications protocol for the class to follow. That way any team's FARMER could control any DOG. There were several other constraints on the design that are fully detailed in the downloadable project description here.


Modified Bop-It Extreme Remote Control

Remote Control Inputs

Remote Control Electonics Fanny Pack

Creating the Thrust Turret

Open Turret Doors for Forward Thrust

Closed Turret Doors for Reverse Thrust

Hovercraft Electronics

Hand-Cut Bag Skirt

Team Jason's Angels