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Bottle Opener

This bottle opener was inspired by the key to the invention room from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The design allows the user to open bottles in three different ways, including a twist-off. The key form gave me a lot of room for creative design while maintaining a clear visual connection to the story. The sketch below shows the general evolution of the design from inspiration to a near final design.

I modeled the design in SolidWorks, keeping the dimensions large enough to cut with my tooling. After laser cutting some prototypes, I tweaked some dimensions to ensure functionality of the openers. I then used HSMWorks to generate the CAM for the part in an assembly that contained all fixture parts. This was my first time using HSMWorks and I experimented with different cutting orders to minimize job time. I calculated the feeds and speeds for cutting brass with carbide end mills and was ready to cut. After the CNC was done I used the bandsaw ot cut off the tabs and then sanded and polished to a satisfying finish. Finally, the moment of glory had come and I celebrated with a cool beverage, opened of course with Dandy.


Initial Sketches

Lasercut Prototype


After Machining

Finished Bottle Opener
